Gender Reveal Latex Balloon Side Bouquet


Only available as an add-on purchase:

1 bouquet include:

  • 1 x marble latex balloon
  • 1 x pink latex balloon
  • 1 x blue latex balloon
  • 1 x weight

JoyAvenue strongly do not recommend collection or delivery more than 2 hours from time of celebration due to limited balloon lifespans*. We will not be liable should you decide to do so. There will be no refunds, replacements or exchanges.

* – Please refer to the “Care Instructions” on this page for balloon lifespans and ways to ensure stated lifespans.

Purchase the latex side bouquet to add on to the festivities!

If you would like to combine 2 bouquets together (meaning 6 in a bunch), do let us know, it can be arranged!

Out of stock


JoyAvenue strongly do not recommend collection or delivery more than 2 hours from time of celebration due to limited balloon lifespans*. We will not be liable should you decide to do so. There will be no refunds, replacements or exchanges.

* – Please refer to the “Care Instructions” on this page for balloon lifespans and ways to ensure stated lifespans.
